Release 20.5

The proimporter is growing and now compatible with Oracle® Primavera P6 PPM
From release 20.5 on, our tool also works with Oracle® Primavera P6 PPM, as long as the system runs with a Microsoft SQL database or Oracle® DB.
Up to now only users of the EPPM version had the advantage of intelligent data import with the proimporter.
A little something for everyone
At first glance, the differences between Oracle® Primavera P6 PPM and EPPM are not significant. There is no doubt that both programs are the alpha and omega for the management of large-scale projects, whereas EPPM offers more in the area of portfolio management. In summary, P6 EPPM provides a web-based solution in addition to a desktop client, while PPM can only be used as a desktop client.
Especially the web version was a weak point of EPPM regarding the scheduling, because the Java-based programming and the internet dependency made the tool sluggish and difficult to handle when used in large-scale projects. However, Oracle® Primavera has improved and replaced Java with html5, which made EPPM more agile and the user experience much smoother. PPM on the other hand can also be used as a stand-alone tool on smaller P6 system environments or on clients with an SQL database.
proimporter from now on also compatible with Oracle® Primavera P6 PPM
Nevertheless, Oracle® Primavera P6 EPPM and PPM share a common problem. In both systems, the import of XER or MPP files from other P6 data sets or MS Project projects does not work as one would like it to.
The proimporter helps here, because the tool prevents the occurrence of corrupt data during transfer and keeps the relevant database clean.
Up to now the proimporter only worked with Oracle® Primavera P6 EPPM. This will change on May 29 with the release 20.5, as the developers at proadvise have made the tool suitable for Oracle® Primavera P6 PPM as well.
A little “but”...
Nevertheless, there is a small but with the release 20.5. Similar to the use of the proimporter with Oracle® Primavera P6 EPPM, only P6 PPM versions in connection with Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle® DB are supported so far. Unfortunately, other versions of P6 PPM lack appropriate programming interfaces that would make a compatibility with the proimporter possible.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Do you have any suggestions? You are welcome to send us your suggestions via our contact form. You can also use our chat function. At regular intervals we also offer webcasts for our proimporter. You can find the dates for these in our webcast announcements.